Realist, not conformist analysis of the latest financial, business and political news

Best Two Out Of Three?

Reuters reports that British lawmakers, celebrities call for ‘people’s vote’ on Brexit:

Lawmakers, celebrities and business leaders launched a campaign on Sunday to call for a vote on any final Brexit deal, stepping up a campaign to try to stop what they describe as Britain’s damaging departure from the European Union.

Ah, so it is not that the voters in the original Brexit referendum were not ‘people’ and it is desired to have a do-over that is a ‘people’s vote,’ as opposed to a manservants’ vote or pets’ vote. What the celebrities actually want is a different result. The damaging departure is prospective, as Brexit has not yet happened and no damage has been done, though moves are being made every month that suggest that damage would be done by reneging on the Brexit vote.

Perhaps the ‘people’ want the privilege of Parliamentarians, to be on record voting for rosy intentions but voting later against their implementation on the grounds that the details were not pretty.

Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard of Star Trek) is a spokesman for the ‘people’:

(We) will be able to boldly go again to areas that perhaps we have neglected … friendly wonderful places where we can renew old friendships, rebuild relationships and develop fantastic new free trade deals.

So the do-over is to be conducted on the assumption that the UK and EU after Brexit will be alone and lonely, unable to travel, befriend, or do business — No, wait, negotiating “fantastic new free trade deals” assumes Britain is free to negotiate them, rather than being a thrall of the EU and having Germans negotiate them in its stead.

Let’s go. I call, “tails”! If Bremain loses that one as well, our strategy will be, “Best three of five!”

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6 years ago

Was it not the former position of this bunch that British voters were too stupid to decide on something so complex as EU membership, but now apparently they are smart enough to decide on the pros and cons of a complex withdrawal agreement and Treaty?

What changed?

6 years ago

And if we have this third vote, and The People say “we want out!”, what happens then?

Quentin Vole
Quentin Vole
6 years ago

Let’s suppose that the UK and EU have reached agreement on the terms for Brexit (no doubt running to hundreds, if not thousands, of clauses). We now hold a referendum on these terms and they are rejected. Great, now what? Are we supposed to go back to the EU and say “sorry, guys, the people didn’t like that one, can we start again?” And referendums can only be carried out on binary decisions, such as Leave/Remain. Any second referendum could provide no information on why the terms had been rejected. The most likely result of a refusal to accept the… Read more »

6 years ago

It’s election period, so I have to be very careful how I respond to that! 😀

6 years ago

2015 – The ‘people’ elect a majority Conservative government with a manifesto stating that we will get an in/out vote on EU membership and also be a stronger player in the Single Market 2015 – Parliament votes to have an in/out vote on EU membership 2016 – The ‘people’ vote to leave EU membership, nothing more for that was the question on the ballot 2016 – The highest court in the land votes to tell Parliament they get a vote on whether A50 is triggered 2017 – Parliament votes to trigger Article 50 2017 – The ‘people’ overwhelmingly elect the… Read more »

John Galt
6 years ago

This is but another variation on the EU’s eternal game of “Vote again until you get the right answer”.

How about “No”. Does “No” work for you? Because it does bloody wonders for me.

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