At the start of the Brexit process, a Remainer departed, and a different Remainer was selected to lead.
Almost as if the EU had handpicked their chosen counter-party in this negotiation.
Since then, Theresa May has obligingly conceded, compromised or appeased the EU on every major area under discussion, while claiming disengenuously that “Brexit means Brexit”.
She has diluted the wishes of her countrymen out of existence yet claims they will be honoured – she asks us to believe in her Homeopathic Brexit.
I don’t.
Indeed what was always apparent to her detractors, is now hideously apparent to her supporters.
Her allegiance is not to Brexit.
Her allegiance is not to her party.
Her allegiance if not even to the British people.
Her allegiance is to the corrupt, sclerotic, undemocratic and globalist EU.
Theresa May is their Manchurian Candidate, and if she is not replaced immediately she will betray this country as thoroughly and irrevocably as any Prime Minister in British history.
Well said
Well said