The European Union is warning us of the tragedy that will ensue as we leave the warm embrace of the federasts. That food will become more affordable upon this sceptered isle.
This really is one of those fates we should become all Br’er Rabbit over, no?
Brexit: UK risks being flooded with cheaply produced food, EU warns
Flooded even!
The UK will be flooded with cheaply produced food should it lower its regulatory standards after Brexit, Brussels has warned,
Well, yes, and this should be a warning for us why?
Given that the shouting about those food standards is to insist that we should be fed by peasants of good stock rather than industrial conglomerates who do it cheaply, why should we stick with the condemning people to the idiocies of rural life? Better, by far, to let the corporations take the strain, no?
Do note the important thing here. The relaxing of the standards doesn’t prevent anyone who wants to continuing to purchase from rosy cheeked yokels. The imposition of the standards does stop the poor gaining a cheap chicken dinner. So, concerned with liberty as we are, even with the feeding habits of the poor, we should be against the regulations in the first place, right?
All of which is most fun and yet still not quite grasping the actual point here. The European Union exists – we can tell this from where it spends its budget – in order to benefit the owners of the countryside, the landlords. Brexit gives us the opportunity to give said landlords the right good gralloching they should be getting. No longer will their rent be subsidised from the wallet of every other taxpayer. No more will their production be subsidised by restrictive practices imposed upon every producer.
Basically, we’ve the opportunity to fuck over the squirearchy just as we did in 1846. Not an opportunity we should allow to go to waste.
‘Standards’ are predominantly to protect producers (and politicians and keep bureaucrats on the payroll) not to benefit consumers.
“What model of society do they want?” Michel asked. “Do they prefer to maintain high quality standards – health, food, environmental – or, on the contrary, do they want lower standards, [to] subject their farmers and their competitors to unfair and unjust competition from other regions of the world? It is the answer to this question that will determine the level of access to our internal market.” “unfair” competition, meaning what, exactly? Africans can produce food cheaper? As someone who has on a few occassions lost work to Indians and Vietnamese, the farmers aren’t going to get a whole lot… Read more »
All of it boils down to “how *DARE* the darkies be allowed to make a living by selling to us!!!111!!”
The last time I felt so threatened was when the Spanish Inquisition got out the comfy chair.
This is strange because we are always being told by committed Remainers that food prices will go up when we leave the EU.
They *should* be committed 🙂
Unfortunately, they weren’t
Remainers promised me food would be cheaper if we left the EU, so I voted Leave.
Remainers promised me that wages would go up if we left the EU, so I voted Leave.
“”the opportunity to fuck over the squirearchy” should never be wasted.
A while ago, the USDA threatened my happy country with a ban on South African food imports if we didn’t drop the punitive tariff on imported frozen chicken pieces. Great sobbing and sighing about all those lost jobs, but it would have been far cheaper for all the chicken eaters to pay a levy to keep those lost-jobs workers at home doing sweet fanny. I doubt not that the same would apply to chicken and other farmers in the UK. Farmers in the EU and probably in the UK as well are being paid not to farm. Which means that… Read more »