We Need Your Support

Let us be frank: these are difficult times with uncertain outcomes. Advertising rates have dropped 80% and monthly donations are being cancelled. The work...

Get Tim Worstall’s “Factchecking Pollyanna” for free

Claim your free copy of Tim Worstall's "Factchecking Pollyanna" for iOS, Android and Kindle. … To claim your free copy of Tim's book, ''Factchecking...

Continental Telegraph Books Of 2018 – How To Spend The Christmas Cash

Twenty Eighteen has been an interesting year in Politics, Sport and, well, life. But with this list we're taking it back to basics. Books...

CT Forums Now Open..

The Continental Telegraphs forums are now open for business. We get hundreds of comments between here and TimWorstall.com so we have decided to setup...

How To Make Plantation Shutters – And Not From A Kit

In the interests of expanding the family fortunes and fame, we bring you this instructional video from Pete Worstall. How to make Plantation shutters...

Signup for our Mailing List.

You can now get Tim's weekly directory straight to your email inbox, detailing the top stories for the past week. You can signup here (We...

Donate to Continental Telegraph

Since you’re here … … we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading the continental telegraph than ever but advertising revenues across...

We’re on the Twitters…

So we've finally moved onto Twitter, please like, follow and share and all that over at http://www.twitter.com/ConTelNews 

Can you help support Continental Telegraph?

If you can spare a few pounds you can donate to our fundraising campaign below. All donations are greatly appreciated and go towards our server, security and software costs. 25,000 people per day read our sites and every penny goes towards our fight against the Establishment. We don't take a wage and do what we do because we enjoy it and hope our readers enjoy it too.
