Playing The Mischief With Us
As the papers recently filled with the distressing images of desperate souls looking to escape the imminent religious tyranny of the Taliban, I'm reminded...
Possession Of A Hong Kong Passport Should Mean Residence Rights In The UK
Matt Kilcoyne is entirely correct here in The Times. We said that when we handed over Hong Kong we'd be guaranteeing, as far as...
Jet Airways’ Banks May Need To Swallow A 75% Haircut On Their Loans
This sounds a little extraordinary, that the varied lenders to Jet Airways will need to swallow a 75% haircut on the loans they made...
Another Polio Officer Shot Dead In Pakistan – We Do Want To Kill Off...
That we have our own problems with the anti-vaccine crowd is obvious enough. Those who fail to understand what a bitch Mother Nature is,...
How Silly Is This? Malaysia Subsidises Sugar So Much People Smuggle It
Most of the world is desperately trying to reduce the amount of sugar people eat. There are calls for taxes on anything which does...
Maybe India’s Right – RBI States Cryptocurrency Adds Nothing To The Economy
This new document from the Reserve Bank of India is less than an outright condemnation of cryptocurrency even while it points to officialdom thinking...
A Bangladeshi Parking App Might Not Look Like Much
So, we've a little smartphone app that allows you to find a parking space in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Or, to rent out your parking space...
India’s Jet Airways Suspends Operations – This Is Why We Need Capital And Capitalists
India's Jet Airways has been in trouble for months now. They've been losing money and banks won't lend any more - sensibly enough, it's...
Apple To Make iPhones In India – Won’t Make Much Difference To Be Honest
Apple and Foxconn are getting together to fulfill one of the dearest wishes of Modi's government in India - they're going to start manufacturing...
To Explain Brunei’s Anti-LGBT Laws Including Stoning For Being Gay
Brunei has just introduced strict sharia law which is what has people like George Clooney demanding that we all boycott the Dorchester. Easy for...