The Media Have Become Effie Trinket

Behind the scenes, the wealthy, the privileged, the elites, the globalists. Out front, their stenographers in the media, no longer willing or able to actually...

The Double Standard – Giving the BBC treatment to the BBC

We can surmise the BBC don't like Donald Trump, because you can't find a positive article about him anywhere on their website. In the same...

The Regulation Of Political Advertising

The chairman of the Advertising Standards Authority takes to The Guardian to talk about the regulation of political advertising. The interest being that there're...

Brent North Recall: If Elected, Barry Gardiner To Claim His Constituents Didn’t Know What...

Good old Barry Gardiner has taken it in the knackers from a furious Welshman on LBC today, on the subject of a second referendum,...

Those Euro Manifestos In A Nutshell

Brexit Party For Gods Sake Just Leave - WTO will be fine for now Conservatives 20% Brexit party 30% Remain that Looks Like Leave 10% Remain that Looks Like...

MEP Elections – EU Rules Protect Incumbents

Despite the fact that we shouldn’t need to by now, we may soon have to vote for some MEPs. At which point it is worth...

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