Amritsar And Peterloo – Did Massacres Happen Without White Imperialism And Empire?
An interesting question that isn't being asked. Have massacres, crimes, slaughters, happened without white Europeans building empires?
At St Peter’s Field in Manchester, England...
India’s Tiger Population Expands Due To Increased Urbanisation
India is urbanising rapidly - India's tiger population is expanding. There is a link between these two facts, this is not a coincidence.
When we...
Jet Airways’ Banks May Need To Swallow A 75% Haircut On Their Loans
This sounds a little extraordinary, that the varied lenders to Jet Airways will need to swallow a 75% haircut on the loans they made...
Maybe India’s Right – RBI States Cryptocurrency Adds Nothing To The Economy
This new document from the Reserve Bank of India is less than an outright condemnation of cryptocurrency even while it points to officialdom thinking...
India’s Jet Airways Suspends Operations – This Is Why We Need Capital And Capitalists
India's Jet Airways has been in trouble for months now. They've been losing money and banks won't lend any more - sensibly enough, it's...
Apple To Make iPhones In India – Won’t Make Much Difference To Be Honest
Apple and Foxconn are getting together to fulfill one of the dearest wishes of Modi's government in India - they're going to start manufacturing...
Of Course India Should Have Sold ONGC’s Oil And Gas Fields To Foreigners
There are those who insist that a national government must own the company which extracts natural resources from the territory of that country. This...
India Should Preserve Forest Animals Or Forest Peoples?
It's easy enough to just confirm priors here over whether India should be preserving forest dwelling peoples or forest dwelling animals. Unfortunately, such knee...
India Raises Sugar Prices To Correct Problems With Earlier Government Mistake
India has just raised the minimum selling price for sugar in a bid to undo the problems caused by an earlier decision by the...
A Bad Mistake, India Moots Raising National Minimum Wage – It’s Too High Already
It's not surprising that this is happening, India mooting a rise in the national minimum wage. There is, after all, an election in the...