Review: Introducing Curve: 1-3% Cashback + All In One Account.

I've been using curve for a while now, it basically combines all your cards into a single debit card. You can switch which card...

Where To With The Metropolitans?

Back last spring when Tim decided to introduce the Continental Telegraph, we discussed the kind of content that I could produce. I suggested we offer...

“Sorry To Bother You” Is About Socialism, Not Capitalism

There's something very wrong with this Guardian review of the new movie "Sorry To Bother You." Which is that it tells us all that...

Indian Cinema Prices Just Rose – It’s a Package Deal, With The Food

It can be terribly difficult to get people to understand certain subtleties concerning business and economics. It can be impossible to get a politician...

Pink Panther’s Clouseau As Documentary Not Comedy

As with tragedy so with farce, there's supposed to be in both one single event which then leads to the downfall. Everything must flow...

WTF! An Economic Tour of the Weird

The first thing to say about this podcast is that we discover that the dismal science isn’t always dismal. In this Economics Detective Radio...

Why Are Movie Reviews so Freaking Useless?

From our man on the spot, Estaban DeGolf: In a couple of recent movie reviews I’ve noted my dismay at some bad-to-mediocre movies’ high ratings...

Three Billboards Was a Very Bad Movie

From our special film correspondent, Esteban DeGolf: Well, since I’ve already committed heresy by dissing “Darkest Hour”, let me move on to “Three Billboards Outside...

Darkest Hour is Not a Good, Let Alone Great, Movie

Yes, we do know Gary Oldman got the Oscar for playing Churchill. However, our correspondent, Esteban DeGolf, is unimpressed: I recently saw the movie “Darkest...

Did Protectionism Make America Great?

This is the first of what may become a series of podcast reviews. They will usually be relevant to a topic that’s currently making...

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