My, Isn’t Tanzania Fighting Against Fake News – Censorship As The Citizen Closed

What we might call fake news - that Katie Price is about to marry the Duke of Edinburgh - and what the authorities call...

IMF Tells Ethiopia – No More Foreign Currency Market Borrowings, Probably Sensibly

The IMF has told the Ethiopian Government that it really must stop borrowing from the overseas markets in foreign currency - this is probably...

Sorry Bill Gates – Poverty Is A Barrier To Excellent Health Care In Africa

We should not perhaps blame Bill Gates for this little comment for the man's far too bright to make a mistake like this. Actually,...

Nigeria’s Minimum Wage Is Too High At $80 A Month – Don’t Raise It

There's a threat of strike action in Nigeria over the new possible level of the national minimum wage. The problem is that the demand...

The Emotional Support Dog Who Mauled Another Passenger – Well, That’s Emotional Support, Isn’t...

The idea that people should be able to take their emotional support animals - otherwise known to normal people as pets - anywhere they...

Price Fixing Always Leads To Scams – Zimbabwe’s Nedbank Latest To Suffer

Us humans are pretty simple to understand - we respond to incentives. This being something that those who govern us don't want to grasp...

Flat Earthers To Cruise To Edge Of Earth – Dudley Beckons

That there are those who still believe the Earth is flat is true. They're out to prove their belief too, by sailing off to...

The Scrubbers Are Failing

In the film Apollo 13, a loss of oxygen causes the crew to start inadvertently poisoning themselves with their exhalations. The engineers back on earth...

Mozambique’s Tuna Bonds Are Coming Home To Roost

One of the most outrageous, barefaced even, bits of stealing from the public purse was the story of Mozambique and the Tuna Bonds. The...

To Explain Brunei’s Anti-LGBT Laws Including Stoning For Being Gay

Brunei has just introduced strict sharia law which is what has people like George Clooney demanding that we all boycott the Dorchester. Easy for...

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