Obviously, Student Loans Are Government Spending And Debt – Why Wouldn’t They Be?
The Office for National Statistics has insisted that student loans should, at least partially, be counted as government spending. Further, that the accumulation of...
Good News On Northern Rail
From our correspondent in Swindon:
Troubled rail company Northern is to be brought under government control.
The decision, which will see the firm's franchise stripped from...
Half Term Meals Solved Then
From our Swindon Correspondent:
From Keir Starmer on Twitter
If the Government won’t do the right thing, the great people of this country will.
Incredible examples of...
Benefits Underpayments – And To Think That Some People Argue For More Government
It appears that the British government is incapable even at giving away free money. At which point we do have to wonder at the...
A Corollary Of Parkinson’s Law
Parkinson's Law is of course that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. Corollaries of this include that's why you should...
Imagine Being So Incompetent That HUD Is A Step Up
It's impossible to imagine a grouping that is even worse at managing property and buildings than the Department of Housing and Urban Development. For...
Air France – A Useful Example Of Why State Investment Doesn’t Work
We have a useful and interesting example of why state investment doesn't work here in the case of Air France. One that carries a...
Astonishing Surprise! Poor People Are Poor!
Isn't this just a turn up for the books. When the intrepid researchers went to interview the poor people who turned up at food...
The Reason Listed Buildings Fall Apart
From Our Swindon Correspondent. The reason listed buildings fall apart is because they're listed, see?
From The Guardian
Griff Rhys Jones, the president of the Victorian Society,...
Nutters Should Have The Bennies – Criminals Not
It's difficult to work out what the actual complaint here is:
Killers, kidnappers and other violent offenders are claiming thousands of pounds in state...