Browsing Tag
free speech
8 posts
If This Doesn’t Scare The Hell Out Of You Then Nothing Will
Ms. Ursula Von Der Layen is making a pitch for the European Union to be the censor of…
Canadians Not Quite Getting The Point Of Free Speech
The basic idea of free speech should be simple enough for people to grasp. Peeps get to say…
Donald Trump Just Fired An Awful Lot Of Grievance Studies Professors
Donald Trump just issued an executive order insisting that colleges obey the First Amendment. That something is wrong…
To Curb Anti-Vaxx Propaganda Should We Give Up Free Speech Entirely?
It’s entirely true that there are people out there who insist that vaccines are terribly dangerous and no…
Voltaire Didn’t Say It But Free Speech Isn’t Limited By The Truth – Even About Nazis
Voltaire didn’t in fact say that line about not agreeing with you but defending to the death your…
Conservatives Debate Scandal – Amazingly, Yes, Islamophobia, Racism, Misogyny, Homophobia, They’re All Still Free Speech
The latest little breeze in a tea-thimble is the revelation that there are groups on Facebook saying things…
Tolerating Rednecks
Answer these two questions. 1) Should black people have to tolerate racists? 2) Should racists have to tolerate…
King’s College Free Speech – The Problem With The Fascist Boot Boys
This is to use the word fascist in its wider and incorrect meaning, not just to mean followers…