Browsing Tag
Joe Biden
6 posts
Just How Bad Was Hillary If Joe Biden Leads Bernie By 32 Points?
Sure, all the attention is on who is going to gain the next Democratic nomination, not who blew…
Sorry Mr Biden, Dems Aren’t Looking For An Old, White, Hetero Guy This Time
Joe Biden has just announced that he’s running for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency. The problem here…
Joe Biden’s Bimbo Eruptions – That’s The End Of That Presidential Run
That yet more women are coming out of the woodwork to complain of inappropriate touching from Joe Biden…
Who’s Surprised About Joe Biden – He’s Long Been Known For Wandering Hands
Seasoned political observers haven’t been putting much weight upon Joe Biden’s chances this election cycle. Not because his…
Joe Biden’s Presidential Problem – Old White And Male’s Not What The Democrats Are Looking For
Joe Biden’s running for President this time around – until we’ve heard him deny it three times oh…
Of Course Joe Biden’s Against A Basic Income – What’s The Point Of Democratic Politics If All Are OK?
Glory be, Joe Biden appears to be planning to run for President at the next election. It’s certainly…