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9 posts
Evidence For Krugman’s Contention About British Food
Yes, it’s true, British food is now some of the best in the world. In terms of variety,…
Paul Krugman’s Error Over Ocasio Cortez And The 70 – 80% Top Income Tax Rate
It’s always necessary to distinguish between Paul Krugman the exceptionally good economist and Paul Krugman the left leaning…
There’s A Slight Illogic From Paul Krugman Here Over Brexit And Trade
It seems that Britain shouldn’t try for customs union with the US because, and yet it should remain…
Paul Krugman Misses – As Do Most – The Problem With A Job Guarantee Scheme
As is usual with Paul Krugman and matters economic he’s right what he says here about a government…
Paul Krugman’s Mistake Concerning The Costs Of Brexit
Paul Krugman – given that he is a very good trade economist – makes exactly the right point…
Paul Krugman’s Argument That Fiscal Policy Just Won’t Ever Work
This is not, of course, something that Paul Krugman would either ever say nor mean, that fiscal policy…
A Useful Answer To Krugman’s Wage Puzzle – Real Wages Are, In Fact, Rising
The usual, and sensible, disclaimer here is that I as a mere scribbler tread on dangerous ground when…
As Krugman Says Trade Agreements Protect Us From Our Own Politicians, Not Foreigners
It’s not necessary to believe everything Paul Krugman says, it is appropriate to listen to him on the…
The Truly Interesting Part Of Krugman’s “See, Told Ya!” Paper
We’re not great fans of macroeconomics around here, being of the opinion that this is the half of…