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20 posts
AOC On Facebook’s Libra – Jeez, She Doesn’t Even Know What A Public Good Is
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is showing that she didn’t pay much attention in her economics classes – yes, her…
Well Done AOC – Prosecution Of Rich Person Is Proof That We Don’t Prosecute The Rich
Quite how Alice in Wonderland the world view of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is can be shown in this…
AOC’s $7 Croissant Is The Future Of America Under Democratic Socialism
If you’d like to see the future that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez would like for us all we can…
So Political History Is Another Thing AOC Is Ignorant Of Then
Soon enough it’ll be shorter to print a listing of subjects that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez does know about.…
It’s Condescending To Claim Ocasio Cortez’s Progressive Politics As Unworkable.
A claim in the Guardian that we’re all being condescending when we claim that varied progressive policies –…
Ocasio Cortez, The Twitter Maven, Has A Problem With Facebook
Quite what the problem Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has with Facebook should be obvious She’s very good indeed at…
Ms. Ocasio Cortez And Zil Lanes
Now it’s true that Fox News is rather piling on in glee here over Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and…
Of Course Ocasio Cortez Is Shocked – Payment For Line Holding Is Rationing By Price
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is shocked, she says, that lobbyists pay homeless people to wait in line for Congressional…
The Economic Silliness Of The Ocasio Cortez Green New Deal
This is truly dire, this resolution that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has put together to try and sell her…
Sure, “Walmart, A Progressive Success Story” Pushes A View – The Correct View
Over in the drifts of the far left where Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and the like reside in their…