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Polly Toynbee
23 posts
It’s A Significant Pity Polly Toynbee Sold That Place In Tuscany, Umbria, Wherever
For if she hadn’t this would be immensely fun to watch: British expats living in Italy will be…
If Only Polly Toynbee Actually Understood Numbers
Polly Toynbee wants us all to know that inequality is higher than we had assumed. This coming from…
Polly Toynbee And The Use Of Facts
Over the years a number of us have made fun of Polly Toynbee’s approach to facts and evidence.…
We’re Surprised, Right, Polly Toynbee And Numbers
Polly Toynbee wants to tell us all that the bastard Tories have been conspiring against the poor. Some…
This Is Called “Democracy” Polly
There’s a reason we use this system too. This one called democracy: The nightmare has happened. The worst…
Polly Toynbee Doesn’t Understand Human Rights
Or at least Polly Toynbee makes a claim about human rights which is at odds with the actualite.…
Polly Toynbee And The Horrendous Rise In Child Poverty
Polly Toynbee wants to tell us that there’s been an horrendous rise in child poverty in the UK…
One Day Someone Will Actually Please Polly Toynbee
We must be careful here for the meaning is not quite someone will one day pleasure Polly Toynbee.…
About Polly Toynbee On The Shortage Of Nurses
Of course it’s true that anything and everything that goes wrong, or is not even up to the…
Why Complain About “The British Tribe Next Door”?
It’s entirely possible that something might not be good TV. It can also be in bad taste, made…