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38 posts
How Poor Are The Poor, Really?
From our Swindon Correspondent: I’m a big fan of the comedian Doug Stanhope, and there’s a routine that…
You Will Be Poor, Peasants!
We have that delightful vision of an anthropologist trying to talk economics. This works about as well as…
To Prove That Recessions Reduce Inequality
Just a little note to point out why it is that recessions reduce inequality. They do indeed increase…
The Glorious Victory Of Neoliberal Globalisation
This idea that poor brown folks are just like richer, gammony ones, is what motivates the neoliberal globalisers…
Socialism By Any Other Name Would Stink Just As Badly
A fun result from some research by Ed Lazear: One surprising finding from my study is that changing…
So, Change The Definition Of Poverty Then
We’re told that ever more Britons are living in poverty. This is something that the coming recession will…
Isn’t Britain Just Such A Horribly Racist Society?
We must be, eh? Children in Bangladeshi and Pakistani households were the most likely to live in low…
You’re Right – Jason Hickel Is An Ignorant Know Nothing Twat
It’s not that Jason Hickel doesn’t know some stuff, that’s just fine. I am incredibly ill-informed on whatever…
The Flaw In The ILO’s Thinking About Work
That lots of people out there are living pretty scummy lives in poverty and destitution is true. That…
Too Much Regulation And Not Enough Competition
The problem with Latin America is, apparently, too much regulation and not enough competition. The regulation part we…