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6 posts
Brussels Doesn’t Like Tories – This Is Rather The Point Of Leaving, Isn’t It?
It appears that the federast apparatchiki don’t like any of those running to be new Tory leader and…
Tories Not Decimated, No, But Octagintaquinquemated
Not that I’ve got the word quite right here myself but this is part of our regular complaint…
Brexit Party At 34% In Voting Intentions – Remoaner LibDems On 12%
As we’ve all known for sometime now if Remain could be said to win the euro-elections then that…
Thank God For Granny – You’re 50 Before You’re Mature Enough To Vote Tory
That the old and the young vote differently is true. Which is why we should all be giving…
Owen Jones- Who Cares About Brexit? Let’s Bash The Tories
Owen Jones today gives us a masterclass in why politics is such a bad way to run a…
Northern Cities Lose Under Austerity – Because They Gained Under Brown
The Centre for Cities wants to tell us all that the Northern cities have been losing out under…