That the entertainment industry exists to entertain is an obvious point, that sex tapes entertain perhaps less so. Although they must, given that so many desire to see them when they’re rumoured to exist. We might thus think that an entertainment industry which produces few sex tapes for us to wonder over is one that is failing in its duty. Even, as is said about 2018 for Ghana, a boring year.
This might not be quite the way around to read the situation:
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] Controversial marriage Counselor, George Lutterodt has said that 2018 was a boring year because there were few sex tapes. According to him, unlike 2017 when there were loads of sex scandals, 2018 did not live to his expectation if you compare and contrast He blamed this on the various political scandals that rocked the country and the unwillingness of people to leak their tapes. Note the assumption being made here about the leaks of those tapes. It’s participants doing the leaking – this is all a matter of public profile management that is, not actual private tapes being leaked by the nefarious. [/perfectpullquote]So, why is this good news?
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“If you take a look at the entertainment industry, in the past years, it’s not going too well, people release sex tapes to spice up the industry, but this year they didn’t have the opportunity to release because the entertainment industry was strong.”[/perfectpullquote]OK, a lack of sex tapes shows an industry without the need for such to spice up the trade. Presumably we can take this a little further and say that the absence of sex tapes in a particular career shows that the career’s doing just fine. This theory does have the merit of according with what we know about those tapes which do leak. Neither Paris Hilton nor Ms. Kardashian had anything like their current fame when their movies came out now, did they? And we’re not exactly expecting any from Judy Dench or Maggie Smith now, are we?