Owen Jones Invokes Rotherham – Gasp – Over The Media’s Far Right Radicalisation Responsibility


Dear God but the boy manages to get the wrong end of the stick at times. He’s actually using Rotherham – Rotherham would you believe it! – to castigate the British press over their responsibility for far-right radicalisation. Which is to move from student agitprop into blithering idiocy of course. For it was the manner in which the British press ignored Rotherham, has defiantly insisted upon not mentioning at all the grooming gangs, which has driven a goodly portion of that far-right radicalisation.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] When it comes to the threat of Islamist terrorism, no one doubts the role of radicalisation. The internet, hate preachers such as Anjem Choudary and Abu Hamza, and the western-armed, extremism-exporting state of Saudi Arabia: all play their part in radicalising the impressionable. When it comes to the far right, however, this consensus is absent. The reason for this is as obvious as it is chilling: the hate preachers, recruiting sergeants and useful idiots of rightwing extremism are located in the heart of the British, European and American establishments. They are members of the political and media elite. Less than two weeks ago, dozens of Muslims were murdered in Christchurch. Before the lethal rampage, the shooter is said to have inscribed “For Rotherham” on one of his gun magazines – in reference to the English town’s grooming scandal. [/perfectpullquote]

Owen Jones’ point being that the media shouldn’t be talking about such things as grooming gangs because to do so aids that radicalisation. Which is to get the actual situation entirely arse about tip. The fact that people could see those things going on and yet there was that establishment insistence not only to not do anything but not even allow it to be mentioned is what drove some goodly part of that very far-right radicalisation.

Hell, we actually had Nick Griffin go on Question Time alleging just such grooming and statutory rape and people tried to jail him for saying such things. Sure, the BNP leader is and was more than just a bit of a black footer bag type himself but stopped clocks and all that.

And it’s not just there, is it? Every few weeks we get another list of people convicted in yet another trial. It’s as if every Northern town suffered from it. It only when reading the lists of the convicted that one realises – because the media still doesn’t say it – that the perpetrators near all come from a Pakistani Muslim background. Entirely likely that it’s more to do with the clan nature of the background culture than the religion but still.

It’s the very fact that no one would talk about it, that anyone even raising the issue was shouted down as a racist islamophobe, which has driven much of that very radicalisation being complained about here.

Owen Jones is missing that it’s the silence of the media driving far-right radicalisation and he wants to insist that all remain silent? Which damn side is he working for here?

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Rhoda Klapp
Rhoda Klapp
5 years ago

” It’s as if every Northern town suffered from it”

What have you got against the North? In fact every place with a presence of that culture has probably got a similar problem. Local to me, High Wycombe and Oxford have had problems. I’d be shocked if London did not have many instances.

You are of course correct that suppression of discussion of an issue does not make it go away, and that the Jones person is an idiot.

5 years ago

The side Mr. Jones is on is any that promises to undermine Western Civilisation.

5 years ago

“Entirely likely that it’s more to do with the clan nature of the background culture than the religion but still.“. Rilly, Tim?

Read what the Koran has to say about the spoils of war and bear in mind that our neck of the woods is what they term Dar-ul-Harb or zone of war.

5 years ago
Reply to  jaundicedi

Probably, yes. First cousin marriage is very common among Pakistani Muslims. It isn’t among Malay Muslims, Saudi Muslims, Turkish Muslims. It would appear not to be something about Muslims but about Pakistani culture. We’re not seeing these rape gangs among other Muslim communities. Sure, obviously there are some Somali, Saudi, whatever, rapists out there, just as there are English and Welsh etc. But these large gangs, not so much. So, it would seem to be specific to this particular culture, not a general religious thing. And yes, I know those bits of the Koran etc. We’ve all seen them often… Read more »

Matt Ryan
Matt Ryan
5 years ago
Reply to  timworstall
5 years ago

Late thought.
Mr Jones wishes we neither say nor do anything about thousands of girls, most of them in the care of the state, being abused, because that might discredit some of his ideas.
I would rather not find out what he would countenance in order to impose his ideas.
He certainly has no intention of changing his mind in light of evidence.

Matt Ryan
Matt Ryan
5 years ago
Reply to  Pat

Which is a long way of saying he is a twat.

5 years ago
Reply to  Matt Ryan

A dangerous one.