But Why Does Britain Need To Rethink Its Mrs Robinson Mindset?


Barnardos must have run out of actual things to worry about. For here’s an insistence that the entire society must change its ways to suit the prejudices of those few campaigners. We must change the way we view grown women taking teenagers to bed. Because, well, because, that’s why. No other explanation is given:

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] Britain needs to rethink its “Mrs Robinson mindset” that tolerates women grooming boys, says the head of Britain’s biggest children’s charity. Barnardo’s has commissioned research which found one in five UK adults thought an older woman sexually abusing a boy was less serious than a girl being groomed by a man. [/perfectpullquote]

Obviously, we need to think a little upon what is sexual abuse here. Anal rape of an 8 year old is anal rape of an 8 year old no matter their sex nor that of the perpetrator. But, say, the taking to bed of a 15 year old by a 25 year old, that might be different dependent upon the sex of the takee and or taker.

Society having had some thousands of years of experience concerning this of course. Male lust for the nubile is hardly a new thing. A female admiration for status is also known of. As also, obviously, a less common ephebophilia among women.

OK, so, what’s the answer that society has come up with? That, in general, young women need to be protected from those interests of older men in a manner that young men don’t need to be protected from older women. Partly simply incidence. But more obviously because we’ve those thousands of years of experience of who gets left holding the baby.

OK, so we have this differential societal attitude and it’s obvious enough where it comes from. Now to Barnardo’s point. Why must we change this? What’s actually wrong with this view of the world?

Nothing we can see around here…..

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Dodgy Geezer
Dodgy Geezer
5 years ago

“…Now to Barnardo’s point. Why must we change this?….”

We must change this because Barnado’s has just got a new press officer, and needs a story in the papers. And sex sells….

5 years ago

If one were to accept the feminist axiom that males and females are exact equivalents then sex between a 15 year old and a 30 year old must be equally unacceptable/acceptable regardless of which is the oldest.

Rhoda Klapp
Rhoda Klapp
5 years ago
Reply to  Pat

Unless one or both is a celebrant of the religion of piece.

5 years ago

The young boy might not be left holding the baby, but he sure as hell will be left PAYING for it! Even if he was the ‘rape’ victim.

Boys need protection from themselves too.

Jonathan Harston
Jonathan Harston
5 years ago
Reply to  tom599

Isn’t that what happened to Will Shakespear?