This Had Better Be The Guardian’s April Fool – Geldof For National Healing Tsar Over Brexit


As we know today is when the newspapers – the media – run pieces which are meant to fool us into believing they’re true. The game then being twofold. On the creation side to make something which is believable but not true. It has to be just that right side of absurdity that it fools, but at the same time it’s got to be possible to work out that it is indeed to fool. On the other side, well, which are those pieces? One year The Guardian ran a piece about an island, San Serif. All the place names being forms of type, which was a nice joke.

Panorama did a glorious one about the spaghetti harvest:

And then today:

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Proposal for ‘healing tsar’ to reunite Britain after Brexit
Group meeting in secret also considers ideas for ‘Festival of Britain’ and live TV spectacular[/perfectpullquote]


[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] Britain needs to take special measures if it is ever to recover from the scarring social divisions exacerbated by Brexit, says a working party drawn from the country’s leading institutions. The Guardian understands one of the initiatives that has caught the imagination of the group is the creation of the post of “healing tsar” – a unifying figure to promote a feeling of national togetherness. Several well-known figures have been sounded out for the role, although there are worries that the politicians involved will try to parachute their own preferred candidate into the job. Operating in secret, the group is studying a series of proposals to “put harmony back into the national mood, to sow accord where there is discord, collaboration where there is conflict”. Music is seen as vital to the task. [/perfectpullquote]

They are stupid enough to consider this, yes. Thus we’ve that believability.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]In heated meetings behind closed doors at Thenford House in Northamptonshire, the estate belonging to Michael Heseltine, the Liberal Democrat representative argued strongly for party supporter Bob Geldof as “healing tsar”. One insider promoting Geldof’s credentials said: “He brought the country together with Live Aid – he can do it again.”[/perfectpullquote]

Phew, it is a spoof.

Yes, definitely a spoof.


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Quentin Vole
Quentin Vole
5 years ago

The spaghetti harvest was an obvious fake for anyone with the slightest understanding of what spaghetti is (which may have been only a minority at that far-off time). But with the current state of the UK, and coverage of same by MSM, it’s hard to think of any April Fool joke that couldn’t be taken literally.