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PC Amjad Ditta – The Positive Action Coordinator

When new groupings arrive into the country it is indeed important that they, over time, become part of the infrastructure of that very country. Immigrants should indeed become teachers, policemen, politicians, this is part of how integration occurs.

It is possible, just occasionally, to wonder whether we’ve got this quite the right way around though. Is it that the immigrants should join our already extant institutions and so be shaped by them? Or that they should bring with them their extant – from before this country – ideas and practices and so change this country?

At which point, West Yorkshire Police had a Constable Amjad Ditta. Who they made into a Positive Action Coordinator – meaning someone who was the poster child for those from immigrant or racial minorities. If I can join the force then why don’t more do so?

West Yorkshire Police has appointed an officer with a brief to boost numbers of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) people applying to join the force.

The latest Home Office figures show 5.1% of officers in the force come from a BME origin, compared with the national average of 5.5%.

Census figures for 2011 show the county’s BME population as 18.2%.

Home Secretary Theresa May has said the proportion of black and Asian officers in the UK was “simply not good enough”.

The new “positive action coordinator” PC Amjad Ditta, said the force should reflect the community it serves.

This sort of thing can be taken too far of course but yes, very Bobby, very Peelite, the police are us. It’s just, well, which sort of actions have been positively coordinated? There has been a certain amount of problems concerning a specific ethnic grouping and the grooming, sexual exploitation and rape of children.

Note very well that at this stage this is charging, this is not a finding of guilt. Yet:

Sixteen men including a police officer have been charged with historical sex offences against children aged between 13 and 16.

West Yorkshire PC Amjad Ditta, also known as Amjad Hussain, 35, has been charged with sexual touching.

He and 15 other men are charged with offences against three girls in the Halifax area, dating from 2006 to 2009.

The allegations include several counts of rape, sexual assault, supplying drugs and trafficking.

Mr Ditta, who was attached to West Yorkshire Police’s Protective Services Operations, was a serving officer at the time of the offence he has been accused of.

We rather do want that integration to be running the other way, don’t we? For it really rather is the aim that they accord to our, not that our be changed into their.

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Leo Savantt
Leo Savantt
4 years ago

Amjad Hussain (DOB 8/11/1981): Guilty of two counts of indecent assault as reported by the CPS 18/12/19.


Is PC Amjad Ditta who is also known as Amjad Hussain the man convicted, or is this sex offender another person, Amjad Hussain is a common name and one shared by many, including Rear-Admiral Amjad Mazhar Hussain, Britain’s highest ranked ethnic minority military officer.

4 years ago

It’s ethnic minority, not minority ethnic. Ethnic is an adjective not a noun, minority is a noun not an adjective. Stopped reading there. If they can’t even be arsed to get the English right I’m not going to waste brain cells ploughing through it.

John B
John B
4 years ago
Reply to  jgh

Woke kultur has its own language. It is the language of abstraction where appropriate sounding words are strung together to imply an ideologically pure meaning to distract from what is really going on.

I recall the days when the ingredients list of ice cream would include: ‘non-milk fat’.

We were supposed to understand non-fat milk. Milk you expect in ice cream and non-fat is OK.

Non-milk fat was in fact rendered whale blubber, later vegetable fat. Doesn’t sound so good in ice cream.

4 years ago
Reply to  John B

I like cheap ice-cream. And once I saw – “contains non-milk fat and non-fat milk”.

james morgan
james morgan
4 years ago

In reality – like it or leave it – it’s always a bit of both.

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