Coronavirus – A Tyrant’s Wet Dream


Six months ago, Johns Hopkins came together with the Global Economic Forum and the Gates Foundation.

And they simulated a coronavirus pandemic.

They called it Event 201.

They wargamed exactly how it would spread and how national governments would struggle to co-ordinate efforts.

They concluded that global governance would be required.

And now, in the most extraordinary coincidence, we have a coronavirus pandemic, there are calls for global governance, and the founder of the Gates Foundation has even quit the boards of Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway.

Almost as if he needs all his time and energy for this effort.

This is all seems completely bizarre, right?

But ever since Theresa May tried repeatedly to smuggle through ID cards and internet censorship with the various iterations of the General Interception Modernisation Program (GIMP), with her useful idiot Claire Perry MP proclaiming throughout that we needed to tolerate these gross abuses of our civil liberties and allow the State carte blanche if we were “to keep the children safe” (the standard emotional blackmail that all true psychopaths resort to when there is no other way to trick their victims into compliance), I have been very suspicious about the efforts that have been made over the last twenty years to exert additional control over the global populace.

It seems like there is a co-ordinated effort to acquire more and more power – whether this is merely psychopathic politicians doing what they always do, or globalists trying to solve intransigent national problems with globalism instead of localism, or if it is demonic narcissists looking to establish the fabled New World Order I have no idea – I’m a sucker for stories about giant conspiracies that seemingly can’t possibly hang together, and have had great fun pointing out to sceptics that Harvey Weinstein and Pakistani grooming gangs were conspiracies involving hundreds of people that prevailed for decades without much trouble.

But let’s assume it’s the middle ground – globalists like Tony Blair, and Hillary Clinton, and George Soros looking at the world and seeing national problems that don’t appear to have national solutions.

And deciding we need global solutions instead.

Climate change is another – poor old Greta Thunberg the mentally-disabled teenager has been shoved into the limelight by her activist parents to be the face of climate catastrophism, but you’ll notice that just like the coronavirus panic, all the proposed solutions involve greater control and authoritarian power to be seized, not by local authorities over which the people have control, or even the national governments over which the people have nominal control, but over supranational and global authorities over which the people have no control whatever.

So………when you see a global problem like climate change or coronavirus, and all the usual tyrants appear aligned behind it, and they are all proposing that they be given more power and authority in order to tackle these problems on your behalf, know that you are probably being duped into signing the death warrant on your civil liberties.

Climate change and the coronavirus are real but trivial matters, blown up into catastrophes to justify global tyranny.

Or as H.L Mencken almost said “The whole aim of practical geopolitics is to keep the global populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

In summary, The War Against Terror (TWAT?), the Climate Change “Emergency” and now this pandemic are all just those who want more power exaggerating events so you feel scared, and then offering to make you feel safe again if you will only hand them your privacy, your dignity, your liberty, your sanity, your freedoms.

And as Ben Franklin suggested, those willing to sacrifice essential freedoms to be granted temporary and illusory safety, will find they lose both.

But of course tyranny is a dish best served on demand – they would rather you beg for their dominion than impose it on you, with all the risks that involves.

So soon you will see headlines being written by dupes and puppets:

“Government may not wish to subjugate us, but now they must – please bring order out of this chaos”

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4 years ago

It’s as though they never noticed dozens and dozens of examples of actual *armed* violence by peoples *against* being part of some superstate, Corinth, Judea, Gaul, East Francia, West Francia, the north American colonies, the south American colonies, the Spanish Netherlands, the Austrian Netherlands, India, Ireland, Algeria, Indo-China, South Sudan, North Srilanka, East Timor, Western Sahara….

4 years ago

Well said.

The bastards keep pushing.

John B
John B
4 years ago

Seen elsewhere:

“Note that once constitutional barriers have been lowered during a crisis, a legal precedent has been established giving government greater potential for expansion in subsequent non-crisis periods, particularly those that can be plausibly described as crises.” – From Crisis & Leviathan by Robert Higgs.