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88 posts
OK David, You Can Be An Idiot About Open Access, If You Wish
It always helps if one of these journalistic broadsides against summat understands the summat that the broadside is…
The Four Day Week
From our Swindon Correspondent: From the BBC Trials of a four-day week in Iceland were an “overwhelming success” and…
Younger Remote Workers
From our Swindon Correspondent: From City AM The current messy hybrid working compromise risks creating a generational divide. Many…
The EFF Horribly Misunderstands Patent Trolls
The purpose of a patent is to provide an income to those who produce public goods like knowledge.…
Stobart Air Goes Bust And We Don’t Care
We have the usual sight of some politician bemoaning the manner in which we taxpayers, us out here,…
That Fastly Outage
From our Swindon Correspondent: From CapX Outages like that caused this week by fastly are becoming an increasingly common…
Expected Profits And ISDS Contract Provisions
As we all know Global Justice Now and Nick Dearden are screaming blue bloody murder about the ISDS…
Pizza Express And The Tipping Laws
This is a useful example of how people will always, but always, play the game. Doesn’t matter what…
Working Hours
From our Swindon Correspondent: From the BBC While the study did not cover the period of the pandemic, WHO…
Betting on London
From our Swindon correspondent: Another example of the religious cult of London:- “Seething, international, colourful.” “The epitome of modernity.”…