Why Execute An 83 Year Old Like Walter Leroy Moody?
It's entirely true that Walter Leroy Moody sent a series of pipe bombs around, one of which killed someone making him a murderer. But...
Tommy Robinson’s 13 Month Jail Sentence – You Be The Judge
Rather too few papers have been discussing the trouble Tommy Robinson got into over the past few days. Not a good good look for...
The Reason Tommy Robinson Got Arrested – Perhaps Not A Good Reason
We now know the reason why Tommy Robinson got arrested. The formal one that is - and it's not, perhaps a good reason.
ENGLISH Defence...
That Problem With Facebook’s Fake News Campaign
As I've indicated before we've a problem with these various campaigns - YouTube and Facebook come to mind - against fake news. The campaigns...
The Public’s View Of Roe v Wade Is Irrelevant – It’s Constitutional Law, See?
NBC and the WSJ have just released results of a poll about Roe v Wade and abortion in the US. Those results saying that...
What’s This 400 Years Of Slavery In The US Then Kanye?
That Kanye West has said something foolish - along the lines of 400 years of slavery being a choice - I've simply put down...
A Google Problem – How Spent Does A Spent Conviction Have To Be?
It is quite clearly right and just that not all of our past behaviour follows us around as an anchor upon our ambitions. We...
Hare Coursing – Making It Illegal Doesn’t Stop It Just Like Drugs Or Tarts
A useful little lesson for bansturbationists everywhere. Just because you make something illegal doesn't mean that the thing will stop happening. Thus, whenever a...
Windrush Is Just The Latest Drivel Reason For National ID Cards
It's difficult to top politicians sometimes. The lack of knowledge combined with desperate thrashing around for a justification for whatever can - and does...
Voltaire Didn’t Say It But Free Speech Isn’t Limited By The Truth – Even...
Voltaire didn't in fact say that line about not agreeing with you but defending to the death your right to say it. That was...