Doesn’t This Just Kill The CEOs Are Overpaid Argument

There are those who insist that CEOs are overpaid. What shareholders do with their own money is not, of course, something to be determined...

Sure, Markets Get A Bit Excited – Isn’t That Good?

It's a pretty standard complaint about financial markets that they get overexcited about the New Big Thing. Everyone piles into the fashionable and this...

Hosting A Supranational Kegger

I once saw a towering drunken meathead lose his rag in a pub when denied service and throw every item on the bar into...

Why Would Elon Musk Care About Tesla’s Share Price Crash?

Well, yes, obviously, he owns a significant portion of the company's stock and so his paper losses, from that recent peak, are substantial. But...

The Failure Of Peer To Peer Lending

Some background I muttered of my distrust in peer to peer lending here back in 2015. Seven years ago at Forbes and elsewhere more recently....

Now We Know, BaFin Were Deluded Idiots Not Crooks Over Wirecard

We can find out a lot about what people truly think by watching what they do rather than what they say. This is that...

A Particularly Idiot Claim About Scottish Independence

There are any number of idiot claims about Scottish Independence of course. They wish to go therefore we should prevent them from doing so...

Central Bankers May Blow, But They Suck At It

AESOP wrote in the 6th century BC about the North Wind and the Sun competing to remove a traveller's cloak from his back. The more...

Cats And Dogs………Living Together!

So the government borrowed until they couldn't afford the repayments, then they collapsed the debt stack and printed until our currencies were on the...

The Banks’ Gross Profits On Mortgage Holidays

It does need to be pondered over, just where does The Times get these stories from? For here they're claiming that mortgage holidays are...

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