Migration Watch Probably Can Go Boil Their Heads

Migration Watch are the folks who insist that we shouldn't supply our silver girt island with dirty foreigners. When considering the French they are...

The Mysterious Bombings In Malmo

The Observer has a terrible problem to deal with in their reporting on the mysterious series of bombings afflicting Malmo in Sweden. For of...

Who Knew? Societies Don’t Respond Well To Major Immigration Or Demographic Change

This idea of unlimited immigration might not be all that great an idea. Sure, the simplest and easiest way to reduce poverty is to...

The Danish Far Right Populists Won The Election

Sure,m the Danish far right populists have lost votes and seats in the election there but they still won. On he same basis that...

All A Bit Fascist, Isn’t It? GoodThink And Immigration

We can all see what the underlying idea here is but it does sound remarkably fascist, authoritarian, doesn't it? Only companies which display GoodThink...

The Scrubbers Are Failing

In the film Apollo 13, a loss of oxygen causes the crew to start inadvertently poisoning themselves with their exhalations. The engineers back on earth...

Iranians Crossing The Channel By Dinghy – Asylum Claims To Be Rejected

Five plucky Iranians have crossed the Channel in a dinghy in order to be able to claim asylum in our sceptered isle. This is...

Owen Jones Says Immigration Has Never Destroyed A Single Nation

It's possible to wonder - it must be so for we do - whether there's a competition going on at The Guardian to see...

UK’s Black And Asian Pay Gap Is Some 4% Of Average Pay – Not...

The Resolution Foundation tells us that there's a significant BAME - Black And Minority Ethnic in the jargon - pay gap in Britain. This...

The Spread Of D**kensian Diseases In Modern Britain

We've diseases we thought were confined to Victorian, D**kensian, times making a reappearance in modern Britain. Something indeed should be done. The question is,...

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