Grossly, Absurdly, Stupid Claim Of The Day
Apparently we should tax the rich more because Jeff Bezos has gone into space on his own rocket. No, that really is the claim:...
If Only He Understood Business Or Economics
So we've Richard Murphy - now actually wearing his academic hat - telling us that modern day capitalism is really, no, really, very terrible....
Unbelievable, I Know, But This Man Used To Teach Economics In A British University
We have an interesting little example of what's wrong with academia here. Someone who doesn't in fact know their subject has been teaching it....
Just Who Should We Believe On Economics, No, Really, Who?
There are many ideas out there. Some of those ideas might be true and most of them will be wrong. This requires, if we...
Another Library Just Went Up In Flames
From Richard Murphy:
My suggestion is that it is time to rethink the economics of saving. People don’t change their plans as to when they...
Can Tax Campaigners Do Simple Addition?
One of the arguments that we economically literate keep having with the varied tax campaigners out there is that who really bears the burden...
The Madness Of Green Bonds
As we all know the Sage of Ely has been insisting upon the mass issuance of green bonds for many years now. As is...
A Quite Glorious Idiocy Over Greening Households
The idea that we should do something about climate change seems sensible enough. Assume that it's all true - we do have to do...
A Truly Desperate Misunderstanding About Capital Allowances
The Adam Smith Institute is arguing that capital allowances should be replaced by immediate expensing. On the grounds that profit is what is taxed,...
Cretin Sighting Alert
The US stock market, as reflected by the S&P500 index, reached an all-time high yesterday.
But it is curious that in the same email that...