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7 posts
To Explain Why Expansionary Austerity Works
The current mantra is that austerity never does work. That the very idea of expansionary austerity is simply…
Monetary Montgolfiers
“There are men regarded today as brilliant economists, who deprecate saving and recommend squandering on a national scale…
Politics Is The Very Reason Fiscal Policy Doesn’t Work In Recessions
It’s a delightful idea, that if we put all the wise people in a big room and get…
It’s A Straight Choice – No Euro or Germany Pays Greek Pensions
This isn’t exactly what these federasts are saying here but it is what they mean. In jargon the…
Paul Krugman’s Argument That Fiscal Policy Just Won’t Ever Work
This is not, of course, something that Paul Krugman would either ever say nor mean, that fiscal policy…
The Economic Revolution The United Kingdom Economy Requires
We have a call – nay an insistence – that there must be an economic revolution in the…
The Truly Interesting Part Of Krugman’s “See, Told Ya!” Paper
We’re not great fans of macroeconomics around here, being of the opinion that this is the half of…