Here It Comes, YouTube To Be Regulated Under Terrorism Laws


A useful and basic concept is never allow the bastards to pass laws against them that you wouldn’t want to be used upon you. Because as sure as eggs are bird spawn they will be used upon you and me, given time. That’s one of the slippery slopes which might still be a logical fallacy but a basic fact about reality. If the State, the police, have powers to lock people up without all those court and civil liberty protections then the use of those powers will expand to ever more crimes, ever more people, over time.

That’s one you can bank on:

Police will treat gang members like terrorism suspects if they use YouTube music videos to incite violence on the streets, under new proposals to tackle the soaring murder rates.

The measures, if taken forward in consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), will mean officers won’t have to prove that specific videos or social media posts were linked to an act of violence.

Currently, police need evidence to specifically link them to certain crimes.

The move will echo terrorism laws, as under the Terrorism Act the offence of inciting a person to commit an act of terrorism does not need to be linked to a particular attack.

Coming soon, the anti-terrorism laws will be applied to waacism, misogyny and sayingthingsthatwokebaepeopledon’tlike online. Not for any particular reason other than that having gained the power to do so they’ll use it.

The lesson being never allow a law to do to them what you’d not like done to you. Because it will be, it will be.

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6 years ago

It can’t be too long before we are issued with licences to use the internet that can be withdrawn if we misbehave.

Rhoda Klapp
Rhoda Klapp
6 years ago
Reply to  ManOfBath

With biometric test before you can post?

bloke in spain
bloke in spain
6 years ago

Just a comment on the photo, but the British police are the scruffiest bunch of law enforcers in Europe if not the world. Less a police force, more a bunch of disreputable thugs. WTF anyone would have any confidence in them, heaven alone knows.

6 years ago


6 years ago

The George W. Bush era (“If you don’t vote for this bill, the terrorists win”) gave us Peru-style secret anonymous anti-terrorist courts (FISA) that entrenched partisans brought fake facts to, to elicit a warrant to spy on a political candidate. And the National Endowment for the Arts, a Republican notion to promulgate conservative culture at gunpoint, wound up funding crucifixes in urine. Amazing how the Republicans soil themselves and grope for comforting slogans whenever anyone proposes repeal of anything.

6 years ago

Is that Chief Engineer Miles O’Brian in the background? Another time-travel trip?

Bloke on M4
Bloke on M4
6 years ago

Bring it on. An echo of your moat thing yesterday: The Liberal Establishment made up of the church, the monarchy, most of the Conservative Party, Lib Dems, the New Labour bits of Labour, academia, the police, lots of useless bits of government (diversity crap, DCMS), EU, UN, the literati and the arts currently rely on a moat which is defended by a large amount of the mainstream media: All of UK television, radio, The Guardian, The Times, The FT. The internet, and social media especially are like trebuchets, getting over the moat. They’re spreading new ideas, challenging the orthodoxy. They’re… Read more »