Have You Filled Your Quota, Comrade?


According to a piece in the Telegraph today, Kin Jong-Un got annoyed today at his workforce. Apparently they have no revolutionary spirit.

Our students, media and political establishment are made of sterner stuff – they are wholeheartedly committed to a socialist revolution.

They would like to create a modern British Venezuela, with the hope that one day the corrupt and messy capitalists can be endlessly corrected by bureaucrats like Jeremy Corbyn, who will benevolently arrive in their limos, mansplain how to do their jobs better and then waft away.

But if we apply that to ourselves today, does it stack up well?

Does even your direct line manager know how to do your job better than you?

What about HIS line manager?

And the directors?

What about their boss – the customer? Does the customer know how to do your job better than you do?

If tomorrow morning you were told to prepare for a meeting with a random member of the public, who was coming to tell you how to do your job, would you think “thank goodness – a bit of expert help”?

Probably not.

So why do young socialists think that an supercilious elderly bureaucrat will do a better job than they can?

Are there lots of young people working long hours thinking “If only an elderly bureaucrat was here to closely supervise my goals and activities, I’d be happy”?

It seems that there are.

Maybe someone should ask Owen Jones if he’d like Seumas Milne telling him what to write, and then correcting his copy? Under penalty of execution with field artillery.

These people are crazy – they demand freedom from freedom, while demanding enslavement.

They have become retarded children, violently rejecting the freedom to go to sleep when they like, as they loudly demand a state-mandated bedtime for all.

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Hector Drummond
6 years ago

All leftism starts with the thought of some vain young idiot who thinks, ‘I know better than these people how they should be doing their jobs. I know how society should be organised. I need to put in charge’.

6 years ago

Hmmm… I don’t know if this is journalism. Higher standards, anyone?

6 years ago
Reply to  Southerner

I would have used ‘state-womendated bedtime’

6 years ago

We all agree that Soviet central planning does not enrich a nation nor even achieve the goal of the planning. Now we have executive Kim discovering that reality is not conforming to plan. No one gets the lesson that it is not optimum for an entire nation to be coordinated through one person’s mind (all others in a position to influence being distracted by the sight of even Kim’s relatives being murdered in astonishing ways). The only spectacle is an executive berating underlings. I have had several such bosses (though none as murderous), and a workable survival strategy is simply… Read more »

6 years ago

Hmmm… I don’t know if this is journalism. Higher standards, anyone?

6 years ago

We all agree that Soviet central planning does not enrich a nation nor even achieve the goal of the planning. Now we have executive Kim discovering that reality is not conforming to plan. No one gets the lesson that it is not optimum for an entire nation to be coordinated through one person’s mind (all others in a position to influence being distracted by the sight of even Kim’s relatives being murdered in astonishing ways). The only spectacle is an executive berating underlings. I have had several such bosses (though none as murderous), and a workable survival strategy is simply… Read more »