Tom Watson Demands Facebook Censorship Over Tommy Robinson


This won’t come as any surprise to anyone. Tom Watson MP has just demanded that Facebook are very naughty boys for allowing Tommy Robinson to use their platform. To the point that he posits that real and proper regulation of Facebook should follow – you know, nice business you’ve got here, shame if anything happened to it. The reason this isn’t a surprise is that who does in fact think Watson wouldn’t trample over every civil liberty left for momentary party political advantage?

Well, yes, quite, he’s not even the backing of the power centre – Momentum – in his own party, has he?

But, this being Watson, it gets worse, of course it does.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Zuckerberg must end far right’s fundraising on Facebook – Tom Watson[/perfectpullquote]

People only fractionally to the left of Watson would line the bourgeoisie up by the gates of private schools and companies. Only one further faction over and we’ve still tankies – John McDonnell often striking some as one – who really do bemoan the falling of the Soviet Union. But that sort of vileness that killed tens of millions shouldn’t have fund raising ability limited, should it?

Quite, this is nakedly for party political gain and nothing else:

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Single-handedly its founder Mark Zuckerberg is – through his contempt for social responsibility – making the strongest case for an independent and powerful social media regulator.[/perfectpullquote]

The sound of a mafia don – be a pity if this nice business here got damaged, wouldn’t it?

But here’s the worse, as there always is with the new lightweight:

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] But it’s not just the dark money that is funding Yaxley-Lennon. Today’s Guardian investigation reveals that he has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds around the world, in broad daylight, through the Facebook Donate button – a tool solely designed for charity. Facebook’s contempt for democratic accountability is once again to the fore. [/perfectpullquote]

Individuals sending money to an individual is contempt for democratic accountability? Seriously? Democracy means we can only spend our own money where Tom Watson thinks we should, has given us permission to? It’s about time he was shown a decent Anglo Saxon handwave or two, isn’t it?

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6 years ago

Labour was formed to promote the interests of the native working class. Apart from other issues it has lately been courting the Muslim vote. T.R. has been instrumental in demonstrating the the interests of the two communities differ. Labour need the native working class vote, and would suffer without the Muslim vote. Hence the ire.

6 years ago

Tommy Robinson has raised £1000s for individual sick children via facebook.What has happened to this money could be easily checked by the fraud squad if there were any doubts about what happened to it.

6 years ago

Mr Watson who hoped Robinson would die in prison, seemingly on substances that do not appear to be fully legal?