Venezuela’s Coup D’Etat Fears – But Is This Actually The Solution?


We’ve raised the concept of democracy to something venerated above near all else – which is a problem when we consider the problems of somewhere like Venezuela. The country’s in dire state, obviously enough. 10% of the population have fled, the health care system has failed and the old contagious diseases are making their return, outside the oil business there is no real economy left to speak of. The why of this is obvious enough, it’s that old problem with the application of idiot socialism. This is just what the end result is, an economy and people reduced to penury.

But the question then becomes, OK, we know how it got there, but what do we do about it? Or perhaps, given the issue of Yanqui Imperialism and all that, what does anyone do about it? What’s the solution to Maduro getting ever fatter on the corpses of those children killed by Bolivarian socialism?

He was, after all, elected reasonably fairly first time around. The second time not so much, true, but is that enough to justify outside intervention?

Perhaps more importantly, what can anyone inside the country do? Perhaps the best solution actually is a coup d’etat?

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] It would happen anytime in the next 24 or 72 hours. The source of this alert was unknown, but it fired up the jumpy Venezuelan rumor mill. It was tweeted, texted and repeated. Something big was coming. What was it? Who knows? It was a coup one moment and a military intervention the next. By late Friday, the forces on their way to topple Nicolas Maduro were undercover Colombian intelligence officers who had infiltrated the country. By Saturday afternoon, they had morphed into members of the U.S. Army who were secreting themselves in humanitarian-aid trucks that would be like so many Trojan horses. [/perfectpullquote]

Just for a moment, leave aside that it’s that idiot socialism that has failed. The point is that the current government has quite obviously failed. They’re also not going to go willingly. So, who should do what to alleviate the suffering of Venezuela?

Yes, democracy is important, it’s necessary that we have it. But is it the ultimate value, the one that is put before all else? When is there a justification to overthrow one?

The Venezuelan situation is, absent those concerns about the reification of process, a useful justification of the coup d’etat. Or at least a possible useful justification. The thing is though, even if it isn’t, what else is there as a solution?

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Jonathan Harston
Jonathan Harston
6 years ago

Why should we foreigners be telling them how to run their country? If they want Bolivarian Soclialism, that’s their choice.

6 years ago

Juan Guaidó is not a right-winger. There is legitimate doubt that he’s a free marketeer. If put on the throne tomorrow it’s exceedingly likely that his first pronouncement will be, “That wasn’t Real Socialism ™”. Venezuelans love socialism and Free Stuff ™. Let them go to hell in their own happy way.