Apparently 45,000 cows will be murdered in their beds if Brexit goes ahead. Which does leave us with a difficult question. 45,000 cows or decades more for 65 million people under Ursilly van der Lyin:
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] Some 45,000 dairy cows could be culled in Northern Ireland, in the event of a no-deal Brexit if new higher tariffs are applied to British milk, senior industry figures have warned. Northern Ireland is particularly vulnerable because about a third of its dairy output is processed in the Republic of Ireland, which would continue to be part of the EU. [/perfectpullquote]So, that’s 45,000 Gertrudes pushing up daisies then.
In other news Britain won’t be part of Interrail any more:
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] The UK’s decades-long membership of the Interrail scheme, which allows people to travel around Europe on a single train ticket, is to end. From January 2020, UK rail journeys will no longer be covered by either the Interrail or Eurail passes, said Rail Delivery Group (RDG), which represents UK train operators. It means ticketholders will have to buy separate tickets to get around Britain. RDG blamed a dispute with Eurail Group which manages the Interrail scheme. [/perfectpullquote]It’s worth noting something important here:
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Rail Delivery Group stressed British people would still be able to buy Interrail tickets and travel around the Continent, and the changes had “no relation” to Brexit.[/perfectpullquote]Will you look at that. Britain can be in or out of a European arrangement as it wishes, with or without being a part of the EU and thus being ruled by Ursine van den Lyin’. Rather the thing that Leavers have been saying all along, isn’t it? That we can cooperate with our neighbours – or not – as it suits us without having to be part of the same political entity.
The cows are still dead of course.
The cows are still dead of course.
Indeed. Looked at the issue as ‘half-empty’.
Half-full, we now (assuming that they are dairy cattle) have some 18,000,000 1lb steaks….
From Google (so must be true)
The UK, under CAP, is limited in the amount of dairy it can produce, being forced to purchase milk from other member states. Brexit will allow for an increase, not decrease in UK milk production, and therefore for an increase in herd numbers and sizes.
Surely project fear 3.0 is getting not only more ridiculous but also extraordinarily annoying.
The Beeb have been leading every news bulletin today with a cut-and-paste from the UN to the effect that we must slaughter millions of cows to ‘save the planet’. Cognitive dissonance, anyone?
Nope, wilful lies.
“Experts we spoke to”, “worst case scenario”, “up to 28,00”.
So the BBC simply reported the absolute worst it could be according to the most gloomy doom-mongers they could find. Quite how that fits with their charter etc. etc. is unknown.
And where will Rep of Ireland then get its milk to process?
The EU is awash with milk and ‘processed milk’, so what is the Rep of Ireland doing with this processed milk?
And are we not constantly told there is milk over-production in the UK and farmers are getting low prices? Killing off 45 000 certainly will help with that.
Or to put it another way:
Brexit will bring about low beef prices.
Because there’s always more than one way to look at a ridiculous claim.