Brexit – Why Would Anyone Want Singapore On Thames?


Agreed, I’d not put too, too, much weight on the World Bank and their purchasing power parity calculations but still. We’re asked a question and it’s worth trying to provide an answer:

It’s clear that the government wants to pursue radical de-regulation on everything from worker to environmental, social and financial protections. Their goal is Singapore-on-Thames where they can show contempt for international norms and standards on every imaginable issue, and depart from previously hallowed ground on matters such as the NHS. Their desired outcome is a country with a more powerful and relatively richer elite, and they are indifferent as to whether that reduces the income of all else in the country. They, at least, can be understood.

But why do so many still support Leave when it is so apparent that this agenda is so harmful to them? And I mean harmful in the sense of very obviously imposing restrictions on their well-being? What is the trade off? Where is the gain? What advantage does the pursuit of English nationalism provide that makes it worthwhile having despite it making most worse off within the country, and by international comparison?

The answer being, well, what’s so bad about Singapore on Thames?

Why wouldn’t people like to be better off?

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5 years ago

Maybe people vote Leave because they want to vote Leave, not because they want to vote Radical-Tory. If you don’t want a rad-tory government dismantling the state, then don’t ***8ing vote for them!

Leo Savantt
Leo Savantt
5 years ago
Reply to  jgh

The chances of a radical Tory government are zero, the present bunch are to the left of Blair and the true conservatives, the very anti-thesis of radical, have disappeared. You can rest assured that the present state of poor education and sub-standard healthcare will continue under Tory or Labour.

5 years ago

Entertaining. To me, of course, the desired outcome of the leftist Green remainers is a country with a richer, more powerful elite (THEM) and, even more desirable, a much reduced income for the loathsome proles like me.

Perhaps I should assume that EVERYONE is out to get me?

Quentin Vole
Quentin Vole
5 years ago

Does Singapore really “show contempt for international norms and standards on every imaginable issue”? But if the British people want to become Singapore-on-Thames (unlikely, as others have observed) and elect a government on that platform (still more unlikely), then I (as an old-fashioned democrat) believe that is what we should get, irrespective of how much it ruffles the feathers of a few fat old hens in the Berlaymont.

Which is precisely why we must leave the EU.