Trump and the Gore Effect


From our American correspondent, Esteban:

After losing the 2000 Presidential election by about a thousand votes Al Gore went into hibernation for a while. When he emerged, he picked up the torch for Catastrophic Manmade Global Warming. For those of us in the Climate Realist set, a truly hilarious phenomenon then seemed to emerge – every time Gore gave a Global Warming speech in a Northern city in the Winter, they got smacked with a Winter storm. Cleveland in January, blizzard. Chicago in February, Polar vortex. It was suggested that if you doubted the existence of God, this was proof that he was real and had a sense of humor.

Fast forward to early 2017. A friend and I were having a laugh at the sorrow and misery of Leftists over President Trump. In particular, we found it hilarious that he seemed to have an amazing sense of timing or just plain luck. Case in point – Trump tweeted out something to the effect that if you doubted the importance of his immigration policies, just take a look at what happened in Sweden the previous weekend. Nobody could figure what he was referring to, nothing exciting had occurred in Sweden (apparently, he was talking about a segment from a show by Tucker Carlson about No Go Zones and other problems of unassimilated immigrants). Rather than find out what his point was, of course, the usual suspects launched into a frenzy – I think some high-ranking Swedish official even weighed in. Then, as fate would have it, the immigrants promptly lit up a couple of neighborhoods, burning and rioting, driving out the police. If you put this in a script it would be rejected as too pat.

A more recent example – the President noted that work is ongoing to find vaccines, treatments, even a cure for the Wuhan virus. He mentioned that Chloroquine had shown promise. He didn’t say it was a cure, didn’t oversell it, just mentioned that it had shown promise (it had). It was just a casual reference in a message of hope. The old media took this and ran with it, tried to make it THE STORY for days – the President is making crazy promises! Some Democrat governors even threatened doctors if they used it to treat the Chinese Coronavirus. Now evidence is rising that it has tremendous potential and one of the governors has asked the Federal government to provide her state with more of it.

I’ve settled on an explanation for both of these phenomena. The Gore effect really does show God has a sense of humor. As to President Trump and his luck? A combination of things. To quote Longfellow “whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad”. President Trump’s existence is so irritating to many on the Left that they cannot help but bristle at trifles, indeed they scrutinize every sentence trying to find something to get outraged about. “He said the Allies won WWII, but millions died, how can you call it a win”!!!

One of his most frequent critics was challenging him at a recent press conference, reading back quotes that seemed at least mildly contradictory re: how bleak or hopeful things were during the Kung Flu pandemic. Among the quotes he included was that the President had advised the American people to “stay calm”. I submit that you have to be losing it to include that in a list of quotes designed to make the other guy look bad.

Another winner – the press have been knocking themselves out pushing the narrative that it’s racist to refer to it as Chinese or Wuhan. BTW, their networks were calling it that a month or so back. But, seriously, we’re expecting 100,000 dead if we’re fortunate, suffering massive economic pain and the big worry is political correctness?

Perhaps it’s not luck or timing so much as that his critics have gone ‘round the bend. Even a guy who rambles off the cuff as often as he does seems quite reasonable by comparison.

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4 years ago

For everyone’s entertainment: Patrick Gunnell presents a thread by Carlos Osweda

VSG Trump is exposing their madness quite deliberately.

Thomas Knapp
4 years ago

“After losing the 2000 Presidential election by about a thousand votes”

He lost it by three votes. All three were cast by Supreme Court justices.

If you’re referring to the Florida popular vote, he won that.

4 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Knapp

He did NOT win the Florida popular vote. Bush won that and won the recount. Al Gore tried to cheat by asking for a recount in just one county (heavily Democrat so he would get most of the extra votes), Bush said “No, recount the whole state” and the extra votes for Bush outside Miami outbalanced the extra votes for Gore in Miami. Subsequently the “Washington Post” and the “New York Times” sponsored a whole series of recounts with differing criteria in the hope that they would find one that they could ue to claim Gore won – the only… Read more »

Thomas Knapp
4 years ago
Reply to  john77

Yes, he did win the Florida popular vote.

You don’t have to like it.

It’s a fact whether you like it or not.

4 years ago
Reply to  john77

John77, that is the way I remember it too, except that I thought Gore wanted several heavily Democrat counties to be recounted.

What the Supreme Court voted (5-4, not 3-2, Thomas! “FACT!”) was that Florida had to report a result in very short order. The verdict saved the Florida legislature, which has the power to appoint Electors but delegated it to the state’s voters, from an embarrassing decision to retake its power and appoint its own Electors – who would have voted for Bush anyway.

John B
John B
4 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Knapp

I thought Swinger Chad won the Florida vote.

Leo Savantt
Leo Savantt
4 years ago

President Trump, for all his unusual use of language, is appearing more presidential by the day. Are they really going to put ex-VP Bidden (who I met in Kosovo in 2009) up against him? Let’s hope so.

4 years ago
Reply to  Leo Savantt

Trump is on camera without script every day and exhibiting mastery of the virus outbreak, two things Biden cannot do. But he is fixating not presiding. The guy at the top should be asking: Were the predictions sensible? Does the proposed response fit the way we respond to similar risks? Are the statistics honest? Is this worth it? Trump acted Presidential when he got a reality check and changed the subject to how “America wants to get back to work!” Then his crisis managers put him under the spell again. For the record, Biden has stated he would always defer… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Spike

I think the typical politician looks at scientists, doctors, and engineers and thinks “they spent their college years grinding away at math and science; I spent mine studying important stuff like art, political science and law; why would I listen to them?”

4 years ago

Hey “Thomas Knapp”, how are you doing these days Al? Are the anti-depressant meds helping?