So, lessee if we can recall what the aim of politics is. It’s that we get together and we put up some guy to run the place who will run it as we want it to be run. You know, someone has to organise getting the bins emptied and they should be emptied the way we want them to be. That’s the idea behind the whole process at least.
Those who do what we want them to do while in office get re-elected to do more of what we want again. It’s not that difficult an idea really, is itis it?
Yet at the same time, Trump has scrapped daily coronavirus taskforce briefings and marginalized his medical experts in favour of economic officials flooding the airwaves to urge states to reopen for business – even amid rising infection rates.
“They’ve decided in a very utilitarian kind of way that the political damage from a collapsed economy is greater than the political damage from losing as many as 90,000 more Americans just in June,” said Rick Wilson, a former Republican strategist. “We’re witnessing the full-scale application of a kind of grisly realpolitik that is a clear willingness to trade lives for the Dow Jones.”
The President doing what he thinks the peeps want him to do is a bad thing now, is it? Rather than the point?
Some people, eh?
The Democrats also want their guy cleaning the bins (even if they have to do an embarrassing reversal of their position on sex harassment). Their current campaign is #TrumpOwnsEveryDeath, careerists at the CDC are requiring recording Covid deaths in some cases where there is a competing cause of death and in some cases where the patient was never tested for Covid. The obvious goal is to shame Trump into extending the ill-advised national shutdown. They have chosen this strategy because they can blame Trump either way.
Isn’t politics simply one group trying to impose their will upon others? Isn’t democracy and elections etc simply a structure to permit both the attempt and the resistance with a minimum of violence?
Yes, with the further goal of making the people believe their opinions are decisive.
The problem (and not just in gov’t) is getting office-holders to be of service to something beyond their own tenure.
Trump believes that a reopening serves America, though it surely also serves his re-election odds. The opposition is welcome to argue that reopening serves his re-election odds and does not serve America. (But “amid rising infection rates” bounces off me until we agree to count infections honestly.)
I don’t think infection rates are rising, so the claim rather fails the basic test of accuracy.
Reported Infection rates are falling as are reported death rates but the cumulative number of people who are or who have, at some time, been infected are rising. You can rely on certain journalists to conflate the two.
The cumulative number of people dying will always be rising. Since day one.
There is no evidence lockdown has saved a single life, but plenty that it has caused loss of life, nor that ending lockdown will cause more lives to be lost than are going to be lost anyway.
And there is Sweden…