From Rugby World
In the latest move in their recent campaign against homophobia and discrimination, famed French club Biarritz Olympique have signed on for a shirt-sponsor deal with Grindr, the dating app for “gay, queer and trans people.”
In a statement, they said: “Grindr is excited to partner with JB Aldige and the Biarritz Olympique Pays Basque Rugby Club. The club has been outspoken against homophobia and has committed to Grindr to continue its work to increase inclusivity and acceptance in the league and rugby overall.
That seems like a good thing, and it’s a good thing that society is tolerant of the gays nowadays. There’s still the odd violence and discrimination out there, but at a broad, society level, it’s gone.
But I can’t help wondering how many straight men want to be stood in a bar with Grindr written across their chest.
(The editor just wants to add one thing. Who knew that advertising random sex to men would be a successful thing?)
“But I can’t help wondering how many straight men want to be stood in a bar with Grindr written across their chest.”
Given how crap the app is (Scruff is better IMHO), there’s also the question of how many gay men would, also.
Yes, it’s nice that there’s little overt incivility toward homosexuals. But opposition to homosexual conduct or the LGBT political axis (or some of its demands, such as equality of results) is a legitimate opinion, and few people accusing folks of a phobia have qualifications or a basis to do so. Terms such as “homophobia” are overwhelmingly name-calling.
homophobia means “Fear of homosexuals” – created by all the media reports of boys being abused by e.g. football coaches.
“Homophobia” was originally slung to assert without basis that the opponent of the Gay Agenda was overcompensating for fear of his own latent homosexuality. Regardless of whether fear would be well-founded or Fake News’s role, the word now is armchair psychiatry designed to shush opponents.
Its official then; but we have known for years surely? French rugger is gay. In other news The Pope is shockingly still a Catholic. ROFLMAO
Do they SERIOUSLY think they wont have the piss taken even MORE if they turn up at Sale Sharks with with a sex app for a.sponsor? The French, bless. /s
‘… and it’s a good thing that society is tolerant of the gays nowadays.’ So job done. Why keep going on about it and keeping the notion current? What problem are they trying to resolve? ‘There’s still the odd violence and discrimination out there, but at a broad, society level, it’s gone.’ And the principle of diminishing returns means a point is reached where no matter how much more effort is put in, very little more, if anything will come out. We no longer have campaigns about Roman Catholicophobia which certainly was rife well into the 19th Century. Catholics were… Read more »