From Yahoo News
DHS is working with our partners to support the Haitian and Cuban people. The Coast Guard, along with our state, local, and federal partners, are monitoring any activity that may indicate increases in unsafe and irregular maritime migration in the Florida Straits. Including unpermitted vessel departures from Florida to Cuba.
The time is never right to attempt migration by sea. To those who risk their lives doing so, this risk is not worth taking. Allow me to be clear. If you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States. Homeland Security Task Force– Southeast headed by the Coast Guard’s 7th District Command is responsible for the DHS response to a maritime migration. This task force has been in place for more than 18 years. And it exists to prevent and respond to maritime migration in the Caribbean.
Here’s hoping that these little platoons do the job that the US government should be doing (translated):-
“There is too much pressure. Police sent by the communists to confront people who are asking for freedom. That is a country where people have no hope of any kind. People are making a peaceful protest and they are responding by repressing. We can’t take it anymore, it’s time to go and fight with our people. I hope the United States understands that I am going to defend the town where I was born, ” Alejandro Morúa, a Habanero who has lived in Miami for 13 years , told Infobae who today gets on one of the boats that are leaving the Pelican marina in Miami, heading to the island where he was born.
Lazy Cubans taking the easy way out as usual. If they just sailed a little further to Mexico, they could walk over the US border unhindered.
Main difference between Cubans and Mexicans is that the Cubans, having had their fill of communist socialism, tend to vote Republican by a large margin.
Can’t be having that from our new immigrants. So turn them back at the beaches. /S
“The best way to end communism in Cuba would be for the USA to put the navy within 12 miles of Cuba and pick up anyone getting on a raft.”
So you want all the Cubans unsatisfied with the conditions in & government of Cuba to leave. So who provides the opposition?
It’s a similar argument to accepting asylum seekers.” You don’t like who’s running your country Muhammad? Well bloody well change it then. Your problem not ours.”
Hasn’t Cuba been long held up as a model for how the world ought to be?
Whaddya expect from Biden Harris? Honesty? They’re socialists. Lying is what they do. Blaming others for what they themselves are guilty is their SOP.
People fleeing oppression tend to be the most adventurous (indicators of potential entrepreneurship).
Let’s welcome them as tend to be net contributors to our country.
No. Let’s vet them for facility with English, physical health, knowledge of our Constitutional federalism, and work skills that we need; and require that they have a sponsor who vouches that they won’t become public charges. As we used to.