The Corporate Accountability Network – CAN Is A Euphemism For What?
The latest little offering from the Senior Lecturer at Islington Technical College is the Corporate Accountability Network. The purpose of which is to provide...
Apparently The New Economics Foundation Employs Gibbering Idiots
We should all have a four day week, oh yes, we should. And, of course, in the fullness of time, we will, for that's...
Why Bastiat Can’t Find a Parking Space
From our American correspondent, Esteban:
One of Frederic Bastiat’s most famous observations was the importance of recognizing “That which is seen and that which is...
Only One More Fed Interest Rate Rise To Come
Economists make predictions because they want o make astrologers look accurate. Yet for certain things predictions by economists is all we have. How many...
Labour’s Financial Transactions Tax – Gonna Be A Disaster Folks
The Labour Party Manifesto tells us that they're going to extend the financial transactions tax - stamp duty effectively - out over other financial...
National Pay Scales Reduce Both Earnings And Employment
As we know having a national pay scale for nurses in the NHS kills people. In high pay areas it's difficult to get nurses...
Matt Colvin And His Coronavirus Price Gouging
So, there was this guy, see, who thought he could make a fortune out of the coronavirus. Buy up hand sanitizer from rural stores...
Tax Matters To Entrepreneurs
Contrary to what those who would like higher taxes insist upon, tax rates do in fact matter to entrepreneurs. To the point that higher...
The Financial Crisis That Swept Hitler To Power
It's necessary to note that a financial crisis did indeed aid Hitler in gaining power. But it wasn't the financial crisis most of us...
The Price Of Dog Skins In N Korea – Or PPP Exchange Rates
North Korea has a slightly odd method of asking that citizens contribute to the welfare of the State. Contribute there being used in its...