He’s Probably Wrong, But So What?

From the Daily Mail One of the frontrunners in the race to replace Arlene Foster as leader of the Democratic Unionist Party is a creationist who...

Cersei Lannister and the Democrats

From Esteban: There is an episode of Game of Thrones (the TV show, not the novel) where Cersei Lannister, the former queen and the most...

A Misreading of History

From our Swindon Correpondent: Al Capone: You can get so much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone. From The Times Boris...

Well, OK Owen, Hold Boris To Account

Owen Jones wants us all to know that the Tories - spit, Boris! - must be held to account for their failures during covid....

The GameStop Reason Democratic Economic Policy Is So Bad

That Democratic economic policy is bad can be argued at that macroeconomic level. But at the microeconomic level I'm afraid that, yes, it is...

Yes, I Really Do Believe The Election Was Stolen – Change My Mind

From Esteban: In my previous award-winning post here at CT I wrote “I believe President Trump deservedly won a massive reelection victory, but the Democrats...

About That Election Silver Lining, Part 2

From Esteban: So, in addition to losing the White House Republicans lost control of the Senate. But there is a bright side, we are...

What Were the Chinese Thinking, Part 2?

From Esteban: Last April I wrote piece for CT wondering why the Chinese government lied about the Kung Flu, greatly increasing the damage to the...

Larry Flynt Springs To Mind

From our Swindon Correspondent: From CNET Online commerce and payment services have stopped the flow of money to Trump-related accounts in light of Wednesday's insurrection at the...

The World Economy Is About To Go Down As A COVID Death

Remember this guy? His mobile phone cost him $2,500 back in 1980. It could make phone calls. Sometimes. What happened to mobile phones over the following forty years? They...

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