Owen Jones Protests Again His Own Saudi Paymasters

There are three possible explanations for this from Owen Jones. He's advocating a march on Downing Street to protest against the "Saudi Tyrant." Owen...

The BBC Has Become Gollum

Apparently Monty Python wouldn't get commissioned by the BBC if they came forward today. Their unique brand of surrealist humour might have been hilarious and...

Ash Sarkar: A Reply to Brendan O’Neill

According to the editor of Spiked, the right-wingers who criticised Ash Sarkar (the woman who said to Piers Morgan, 'I'm literally a Communist, you...

If Only Owen Jones Had A Clue, Eh? 1,83% Is Unanimous Now?

There are several different ways we can consider this latest from Owen Jones. One would be this is just the standard Trot entryist tactics....

When Mueller Will Be Unleashed

There's a lot of speculation about the Special Counsel investigating Russia interference in the US electoral process in 2016 and subsequently. While it is...

Was Venezuela Real Socialism?

The latest reports from oil-rich Venezuela have their official rate of inflation approaching 10,000%. People are struggling to survive, capital controls are in place, people...

Jair Bolsonaro Is Far Right, Hugo Chavez Was Socialist

This is a useful little linguistic trick, isn't it? Someone you don't like is a far right populist. Someone you do like is a...

We Know Very Well That Trump Has Had A Child Out Of Wedlock

I watch this American story with a sense of wonder. There's the pack in full cry after Donald Trump over a rumour that he...

Jacinda Ardern’s Proof Of The Difference Between Truth And Honour

Jacinda Ardern is that new Prime Minister over in New Zealand. You know, the one who was asked whether she was going to have...

There’s a Simple Solution to Ireland’s Brexit Border Problem – We Lie

There always was going to be some blowback for what we English have done to Ireland over the centuries and here it is over...

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