Browsing Tag
Vince Cable
6 posts
Vince Cable As Salvator Sedes – Change UK Might Merge With Lib Dems
Heidi Allen has said that Change UK, the Tiggers, err, whatever they call themselves, might merge with the…
You Do That Vince, You Set The LibDems As Arch Remainers
That people should set out their stalls before an election is rather the point. We out here, us…
I Didn’t Know What I Was Voting For
It goes without saying that I voted the way I did either because I’m stupid and bigoted; or…
Vince Cable’s Confused About His Tech Titan Break Up Plans
But then, of course, Vince Cable’s rather confused about a number of things, isn’t he? What makes it…
Vince Cable Spouts Drivel
Sadly, we should in fact expect better from Vince Cable than this. He was professionally trained as an…
Vince Cable – Brexit Driven By Britons Wanting To Remain Britons
There’s always a certain difficulty with Vince Cable (“Sir Vince” as we should call him now). Should we…