The more general Russian attitude towards feminism and women more generally is not what we in the Atlantic countries would call enlightened. This however is even by their standards taking things too far:

One of Vladimir Putin’s most loyal anti-Western cheerleaders was accused today of sexual harassment as the #Me Too movement reached the gates of the Kremlin.

Women journalists complained that they had been abused by powerful 50-year-old who heads the Russian parliament’s international affairs committee.

One anonymous woman reporter covering politics complained that he had put his palm on her crotch.

Another without naming herself said that ‘he would only come to the studio if I had dinner with him’.

When he arrived at her studio ‘he tried to kiss me on the lips and touch my buttocks’, she alleged.

At the very least “nyekulturni” and amounting in some jurisdictions/societies to sexual assault.

Sadly this joke/comment doesn’t work in the source language but perhaps we’ve really got a case of nominative determinism here? For the alleged perpetrator’s name is Leonid Slutsky. Perhaps he should go on one of those walks?

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