How Nice To See Frank Field Succumbing To Worstall’s Law


Worstall’s Law is the observation that, in the end, every organisation ends up being run by those who stay awake in committee. Not that this is a particularly original observation, it’s the basis of entryist and Trotskyist political parties everywhere. Control the right subcommittee and you run the entire organisation. At which point:

Frank Field has accused members of his local Labour Party of using his votes supporting the Government’s approach to Brexit as an excuse to replace him with a far-left candidate.

The veteran Eurosceptic, who has represented Birkenhead in Merseyside since 1979, said some in his constituency Labour Party (CLP) were seeking to “misrepresent” his votes in the Commons as support for the Tories so they could get rid of him.

That might even be true but you weren’t there and controlling that committee meeting, were you?

Frank Field has become the latest Brexiteer Labour MP to come under fire from their local party as members last night passed a motion of no confidence in him.

Birkenhead constituency Labour party (CLP) voted in favour of an emergency motion calling for the immediate withdrawal of the Labour whip from the local MP due to his voting record in parliament and “inappropriate” media appearances.

The letter from Brian Parsons, secretary of Bidston and St James branch, to the CLP secretary also said Field “refuses” to attend local party meetings and that this prevents accountability.

Members from across the party have been furious with the four Labour MPs who voted with the government on Brexit, helping save Theresa May from a major defeat that could have sparked a general election.

The action all takes place in those constituency committee meetings. Or at least that’s where those who would run the organisation – Momentum, say – would have the power lie.

Quite so.

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6 years ago

This explains my underperformance in the computer industry! Every committee I was on quickly convinced me I would be more “productive” not attending its meetings and discarding its email broadcasts.

6 years ago

Students’ Unions are a good example; only a tiny number of the most obsessively boring people attend the meetings and vote. That is what underlies the no-platforming and Rhodes-must-fall lunacies.