Once and for all! – Islam is not a race. It is a religion. Hence, criticising it is not racist. The niqab and the burkha are both symbols of the misogynistic and violent oppression of women and are not required under Islamic Law.
The fact Boris Johnson has been asked to apologise by the party leader is just typical of the Gin-Soaked Liberal Democrats that are in the highest ranks of the Tory Party.
Should @BorisJohnson Apologise for the Burkha Statement?
The niqab and the burkha are both symbols of the misogynistic and violent oppression of women and are not required under Islam
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— Continental Telegraph (@ConTelNews) August 7, 2018
If I’ve got this right Mr. Johnson said that the burqa is a ridiculous garment. A statement with which the majority of women, even the majority of Muslim women show their agreement by not wearing it. He also said he can find no scriptural basis for it. Doubtless the majority of Muslim women are hoping no one proves him mistaken. He did not call for its ban- a very liberal position since it serves as a disguise. Subject to correction on the scriptural aspect he has criticised a garment, not a race or even a religion. If we can’t criticise… Read more »
He actually supported the right to wear it in public while going about your lawful business and criticised the Danish ban as going to far, so very liberal
But Boris wrote that it leaves the wearers “looking like letter boxes” – the evil, evil bastard … oh, wait, they do look like letter boxes. As you were, then.
No they don’t, what he meant was they look like pillar boxes. He can’t even manage to get letter boxes and pillar boxes correct.
Not many red burqas to be seen, though I think Afghans sometimes wear blue.
I knew somebody who served in Gulf War I and he said they were briefed about not fraternising “with the pepper pots”.
Well colour me stupid as Boris.
I though you must mean a pill box, but luckily I googled pillar box before I replied!
The wife of a previous prime minister used to be compared to a letter box, but I suppose that was ruder.
Cousin Itt?