Racist? University of Cambridge and Stormzy Scholarships – Black Only Students


Grime rapper Stormzy and The University of Cambridge have launched a black-only scholarship for prospective students totalling £18,000 per-year: 

We are pleased to announce that Stormzy is this year offering two scholarships to black UK students who are admitted to the University of Cambridge in autumn 2018.

For 2018-19 the total award to each student for the year will be worth £18,000.

To be eligible for a Stormzy Scholarship, applicants must Have ‘Black African’, ‘Black Caribbean’, or ‘Black Other’ ethnicity.

Cambridge obviously feels that racism is now ok, as long as its only directed towards people who are not “Black African’, ‘Black Caribbean’, or ‘Black Other’ ethnicity”. The University must have forgotten a small piece of legislation called “Equality Act: 2010” which replaced the Race Relations Act.

Stormzy states:

‘..if funding is one of the barriers, then we can work towards breaking that barrier down.’

However, he isn’t offering students scholarships based on social class or community he is offering them based on skin colour and ethnic origin.

The University of Cambridge is one of the biggest EU and ECHR champions, almost as gospel. The University has been infiltrated by the ‘PC Brigade’ in the last few years; they seem to have forgotten the provisions Anti-Discriminations of Article 14 of ECHR:

The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this European Convention on Human Rights shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.

On the other hand, who are we to determine what people fund with their own money..


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6 years ago

Years ‘n’ years ago we had an applicant for a taxi control license.
* We’ll only employ female staff, female drivers and take female passengers
+ So, you are stating that you intend to break the law?
* No, we’ll only employ female staff, female drivers and take female passengers
+ That’s breaking the law, you are repeatedly stating that you intend to operate your company on the basis of breaking the law
* No!!!! We’ll only employ female staff, female drivers and take female passengers

6 years ago

No, we ought not restrict what Mr Stormzy does with his own money. Me, I wouldn’t even restrict what Mr Stormzy does with his shop under the verbal trickery that it is a “public accommodation” and that makes his choice of employees and customers apt to be set aside by the “public.” Let us simply acknowledge that it is prejudice, racism, and probably bigotry (as Mr Stormzy probably views black-skinned people as inherently superior and doesn’t style his scholarship as alms for perennial underachievers).

Quentin Vole
Quentin Vole
6 years ago

Years ago, Oxbridge had many ‘closed’ scholarships that were only available to those who had attended certain schools (Eton, Winchester, etc.). They were abandoned as being too discriminatory. We appear to be regressing.

6 years ago

But it’s POSiTIVE discrimination, that’s a good thing, and if you disagree your a discriminating racist patricarch etc.

6 years ago

Evergreen College still wins the contest:


This reverse racism began to flourish when the authorities began taking pride in non-judgementalism (now extended to pre-pubescent boys claiming they are girls)

6 years ago

Lest we forget, the BBC also does this, and with our money:

BBC: Offering black, Asian and minority ethnic schemes is ‘right thing to do’

Quentin Vole
Quentin Vole
6 years ago

Years ago, Oxbridge had many ‘closed’ scholarships that were only available to those who had attended certain schools (Eton, Winchester, etc.). They were abandoned as being too discriminatory. We appear to be regressing.