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Yes, I Think We Probably Would Call This Unacceptable Harrassment

This probably isn’t what the HR textbook refers to as best practice in resolving disputes between management and staff:

A Florida man has been arrested after he was caught on camera lacing a female co-worker’s drink with semen.

Robert Tyson, 62, allegedly twice placed semen into the woman’s water mug at the dermatology center where they worked in Tallahaseee.

As Mike Munger would say, it had to be Florida, didn’t it?

His victim said that she believed he targeted her because he did not think she was an effective office manager and previously had written letters to her superiors saying ‘he was not satisfied with her management style.’

Yes, a fairly strong disagreement with that management style there.

We’ve also got the usual schoolboy giggles:

The 37-year-old woman told police she was drinking water from a mug on July 2 when she “became aware of a distinct taste and smell”.

When she looked closer she saw “a white coloured mucus substance floating atop the water.”

She claims semen had been poured into her mug when she left her desk unattended.

The woman also claims a similar event occurred just the week before on June 26 when she noticed “a strange taste” and the same white-coloured fluid in her drink.

The fnarr, fnarr, being, well, would we expect a 37 year old woman to instantly recognise that flavour or not?

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6 years ago

Putting any foreign substance in a co-worker’s drink is just as bad. How is it suddenly worse when (1) it is semen and (2) the victim can identify it as such? Now you have not only violated her rights but a taboo, and radio talk-show hosts are sure you will offend again unless enrolled onto a Registry and monitored for the rest of your life. On what basis?

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