Perhaps The Feminisation Of Education Wasn’t That Good An Idea Then?


Some decades back it was noted that girls did rather worse than boys in our education system. Something must be done. Thus the education system was feminised. This isn’t referring to the manner in which there are almost no men actually in the frontline, they being as rare as hen’s teeth in teaching the littler ones. Rather, there was an insistence that girls and boys learned in a slightly different manner, showed that they learned in a slightly different manner.

All of which is most interesting of course. This idea that mean and women are entirely equal in every way was rather contradicted by this insistence that an all or nothing exam system favoured boy styles of learning, a more cooperative, course work based, system favours girls. But then few activists are willing to note the inconsistencies in their own insistences.

So, what was done was that the system was moved from that boy favouring to a more girl favouring structure. Out went the idea of two years work to be tested the once, and once only, in two three hour exams. That system considered to favour boys. In comes course work, continual marking, a system supposed to favour girls more.

The result?

Britain’s education system is failing to tackle the “astonishing” underperformance of boys as feminists have made the topic “taboo”, the former head of the university admissions service has warned.

Mary Curnock Cook, who was chief executive of Ucas until last year, said the fact that boys are falling behind in education is a national scandal – yet it is such an “unfashionable” topic to discuss that it has become “normalised”.

Girls outperform boys in all aspects of education, from primary school to GCSEs and A-level results. Last year, 57 per cent of women went to university compared to 43 per cent of men, a gap that has widened significantly over the last decade.

“I just find it unacceptable to think that it’s OK to let boys fall further and further behind in education and allow the gap to get bigger,” Ms Curnock Cook said.

“Boys underachieving in education is becoming pretty normalised – everyone knows it yet no one is doing anything about it.” She said that other disparities in education – such as the gulf between rich and poor children – are narrowing, but the gap between boys and girls is getting wider.

Who knows, perhaps the feminisation of education wasn’t all that great an idea? We could even get all economic and efficient about all of this. We’re going to get more years of labour out of the men – breaks to have families and all that – so perhaps we should in fact be aiming societal investment in education at them, not the women who will work for fewer years?

Perhaps the world’s not quite ready for that level of reality but why have we designed an education system that disfavours boys?

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Rhoda Klapp
Rhoda Klapp
6 years ago

Societal? What’s the matter with you? It’s a family or individual issue. Who wants the state deciding what’s best for society and imposing a system on everyone except those who can afford an alternative. We know for damn sure they are no good at it. Back to basics, make sure they can read, write, do sums and express themselves clearly. Maybe a bit of critical thinking training, but I’m not sure that will take in all cases. Add the ability to get on the internet and you are there. The rest is fluff.

Rhona Birsch
Rhona Birsch
4 years ago

Feminazis have ruined schools, universities, and society. We need to return to common sense. Things started to go wrong when women were given the vote after dodging the draft and doing nothing of value to create society. If men act together, they can easily strip women of the “right” to vote. That would be the place to start.