Another of those delightful examples of the left eating itself. This time it’s the ex-boss of Save the Children resigning from his current job at Unicef over flirting:

The former chief executive of Save the Children resigned after he admitted making “unsuitable and thoughtless” comments to three young female members of staff, it emerged on Tuesday.

Justin Forsyth, who is now deputy executive director at Unicef, “apologised unreservedly” to the women after sending them text messages commenting on how they looked and what they were wearing.

Men commenting upon the looks and dress of women is often thought of as a precursor to the species replicating itself. Something that we all have rather an interest in. We’re also, by definition, all descended from people who did this.

The underlying problem here is social systems. Any successful society – that is, one that recreates itself each generation – has a socially accepted method of asking whether anyone would like to bump uglies and thus, potentially, procreate. Various such have used different methods. One solution was nowt outside marriage for example. Another would be any consenting adult consents as an adult.

The point being that it doesn’t, in the sense we’re interested in, matter what the system is. Only that it is accepted in general across the society. Which is where our problem is.

We did have a system. Many didn’t like it – that’s fine, no worries. So, agitation to change it. That’s OK too. But we’ve not actually changed it entirely.

A man – yes, even a man with workplace power over others – would expect, under the old dispensation, to flirt in order to indicate that bump uglies desire. Or even a desire to marry, or to know better in order to consider for marriage. The modern insistence coming from that left is that this is not to be allowed. Well, maybe that’s a better system, maybe it isn’t, but we’ve obviously not got everyone signed up to it. And it is that all know and agree what the system is which is the important part, not what the system itself is.

Leaving us with the conclusion that it is this interregnum which is the problem, not so much the behaviour itself. Or, of course, we can also say that sending text messages about what someone’s wearing today is a ludicrous reason for someone to lose their job. Your choice on that.

Yet it is still rather fun that it is those of the left being eaten by their own creation. After all, we have it on good authority that the revolution does always eat its own children.

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Casual Intruder
Casual Intruder
6 years ago

Losing your job after sending some seemingly innocuous texts seems a little drastic. However these virtue signalling leftards, many of whom were pushed into the charities on six figure salaries at the behest of Blair and Brown, are feeling the force of the PC culture they have cultivated and imposed. They seemed untouchable as shown by the accusations against Saint Brendan of Cox which went virtually unreported until the Oxfam scandal broke. Against the background of the increasing sex for aid scandals any sort of perceived sexual wrong doing will be wrapped up in the response to it, irrespective of… Read more »

Casual Intruder
Casual Intruder
6 years ago

Losing your job after sending some seemingly innocuous texts seems a little drastic. However these virtue signalling leftards, many of whom were pushed into the charities on six figure salaries at the behest of Blair and Brown, are feeling the force of the PC culture they have cultivated and imposed. They seemed untouchable as shown by the accusations against Saint Brendan of Cox which went virtually unreported until the Oxfam scandal broke. Against the background of the increasing sex for aid scandals any sort of perceived sexual wrong doing will be wrapped up in the response to it, irrespective of… Read more »

Rhoda Klapp
Rhoda Klapp
6 years ago

Be fair, the revolution doesn’t care whose children it eats or indeed starves.

Samarkand Tony
Samarkand Tony
6 years ago

There’s no interregnum. Modern standards of acceptable behaviour at work are a bit different to those of a few decades ago. Hats are no longer standard wear. Ties are less ubiquitous. Hair is acceptable longer, as are visible tattoos in office jobs. Boozy lunches have largely vanished. And personal comments aren’t allowed. Just to be clear here, no personal comments are allowed in a purely professional relationship. Don’t comment on my suit. Don’t comment on my car. Don’t comment on my holiday. Don’t comment on how I speak or how I look (unless that’s part of the job, natch). And… Read more »